Motha Nature doesn't always feel GREAT! But, she always feels Good.
This time, last year, I felt Absolutely Fabulous!! I was completely IN LOVE with MYSELF: that is, my higher self AND my human self {most especially, my physical attributes}. I celebrated each unique curve as my wardrobe shifted from oversized to perfectly tailored {with a few items being, I must admit, quite revealing, actually,..tee hee hee}. Now, I don't own a full-length mirror, but that was of no consequence. Mind you, I didn't spend a whole lot of time picking a particular outfit, either. I simply felt remarkable~ from the inside out! Clothing was merely an accessory to that, enhancing the sparkle that emanated from the innermost regions of my Womanness. I wasn't the slimmest I've ever been, nor was I the heaviest. I was somewhere in~between and lovin' every inch of it!