Thursday, November 11, 2010

9 Golden Laws of Healthier HAIR & SKIN


What you do to the inside you must do to the outside.

Just as our internal bodies need water, our hair and skin need it, too.

Hair and Skin need MOISTURE EVERYDAY!! That’s right, even BLACK HAIR. In general, Black Hair, Scalp and Skin are more susceptible to dryness and the damages it can cause.

*{The reason Caucasians need to fully wash their hair daily is that their sebaceous glands release a significant amount of oil from the scalp.}

On the other hand, Black hair should, at the very least, be dabbed, sprayed or, otherwise, dampened with water on a daily basis. So, whether that means you wet your hair in the shower, wear a shower cap to trap steam, pat some water on it with your hands or spray it with a spray bottle it needs that dose of agua everyday.

*Important TIP to Seal In Moisture~ Use an All Natural Hempseed Oil Based Moisturizer that nourishes with Essential Fatty Acid’s, Protein and Vitamin E. Two Excellent products that do this are “Royal Anointing Oil” and “Cannabis Supreme Crème” both by Hemptherapy. They can be purchased at

The two products just mentioned above are also safe enough to be applied to your skin, as well {face, included}. The great thing about products by Hemptherapy is that each and every product is multi~ purpose containing ingredients safe enough for use on hair and skin.

Last point: The face also requires several splashes of cool water daily, to be pat dried and sealed with a Hemptherapy moisturizer. And, while we may bathe our skin less in the Fall/ Winter compared to Spring/ Summer, the body requires more oil~ based moisturizers.

*Motha Nature’s Personal Beauty Tip* For Body and Face, wash with warm water and do a final rinse with cool water. Cool water helps to close up pores. The combination of warm and cool water, in that order, leads to glowing and more youthful looking skin. Trust Motha Nature. She knows. :-)

~Health Is Wealth~

Copyright © 2010 Motha Nature, Harlem, USA

Monday, November 8, 2010

9 Golden Laws of Healthier HAIR & SKIN

Law #4~ WATER IN It's really pretty simple. Where there is water there is Life.

Our relationship with water is essential. The Hydrogen and Oxygen in water are 2 Elements we Absolutely Need for our Development, Nurturing and Growth.

Whether it's 8 glasses a day, 4 glasses a day
, 10 glasses a day- EVERYONE’S NEEDS ARE DIFFERENT! You will become a Master of Law #1 and be able to listen to your body. “Who Feels it, Knows it.” You’ll know when you're drinking the right amount for you because you’ll feel it.

Water keeps everything from blood to food flowing within the body. It cleanses the cells and aids the removal of toxins in the bladder and colon.

“Who Can’t Hear will Feel.”

Decide not to listen to your body when it asks for water and you’ll reap the consequences = Dry Skin, Brittle, Breaking Hair, etc…
Develop your listening skills so you’ll know exactly what to do. Too much and/or too little of anything is not a good thing. That, also, includes water intake.

Increase your intake of watery foods: Juicy FRUITS, SALAD GREENS and CUCUMBER. DRINK MORE HERBAL TEAS and FRESH PRESSED JUICES, in addition to water. WATER Inside --> HEALTHY GLOW outside.

~Health Is Wealth~

Copyright © 2010 Motha Nature, Harlem, USA
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